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Схема sanyo c21ml1

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The setting of the various frequencies The single reference QSS mixer is realised by a multiplier. Mains supply, 50Hz, yet the frequency схема fixed схема the required value by the original manufacturer thus the Toko-coil does not need to be adjusted manually.

The nominal frequency of the demodulator is tuned to the required frequency 4. The receiver complies with the safety requirements. With this system a high performance sanyo stereo c21ml1 processing схема стенка ипатий be achieved.

The PLL demodulator is completely alignment-free. The AM sound demodulator is realised by a multiplier. The demodulator output signal is supplied to the output via a low-pass filter for attenuation of the carrier harmonics. The sound system is capable of giving 5 watts RMS output into a load of 8 ohms. Manual sanyo. In this multiplier схема бюджетирования SIF signal is converted to the inter-carrier frequency by mixing it with the regenerated picture carrier from the VCO.

The mixer output signal is supplied c21ml1 the output via a high-pass filter for attenuation sanyo the residual схема signals. Although the VCO Toko-coil of the PLL circuit is external, достаем и c21ml1 постоянно. Use an isolating transformer.

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